Park City’s annual Electric Parade is a way for families and friends to see Christmas and other holiday lights. But instead of piling into cars and driving through illuminated neighborhoods, people can stand on Historic Main Street as the parade brings the lights to them, said the parade’s marketing director Meisha Lawson.
“A police escort and the Main Street Trolley lead the way,” Lawson told The Park Record. “The parade starts at City Park and runs up to Ninth Street then up Main Street and down Swede Alley to Heber Avenue and back to the park.”
This year’s parade will be held on Saturday, Nov. 28, and will begin at 5:30 p.m.
This is the third year the event will coincide with Small Business Saturday, according to Lawson.
“Previously the parade took place on the Winter Solstice,” she said. “The problem was the day of the week shifted every year, and it was hard for people to make their plans.”
Consequently, the parade didn’t have a strong spectator crowd.
“That changed when we shifted the date,” Lawson said. “We wanted it to serve as a kickoff to the holiday season and it has been very successful from a spectator standpoint.”
Last year, more than 2,500 people came to watch the parade.
“What we would really like to happen is to have more people enter floats,” Lawson said. “For the past few years, we have featured 10 entrants, and we want more, because we want to put on a better show for those who come to